What is CoQ10, Benefits, Dosage and Types - Source of Nature

What is CoQ10, Benefits, Dosage and Types

What is CoQ10?

CoQ10, also known as Coenzyme Q10 or simply Q10 is a compound found in every cell in the body. It is most prevalent in organ tissue and especially the heart. (Reference) CoQ10 plays several roles in the body. One of the primary functions is energy generation in the mitochondria in which it is involved in making adenosine triphosphate (ATP). (Reference)

Your body produces CoQ10 naturally, but certain diseases and conditions may affect how well your body creates and utilizes CoQ10.

Here are some of the known causes for low CoQ10. (Reference)(Reference)

  • People receiving statin treatment for high blood pressure
  • Oxidative stress from aging or malnutrition
  • Underlying (unknown) genetic defect or illness
  • Non-functioning mitochondria
  • Nutritional deficiency

It is well-established that CoQ10 levels naturally decrease with age and a correlation between various health conditions such as brain disorders, diabetes, cancer and particularly heart disease have been observed in people with low levels of CoQ10. (Reference)

However, CoQ10 is not only beneficial to people who suffer from a disease. People who supplement with CoQ10 can expect to experience a range of physiological benefits from the added CoQ10. (Reference)

Types of CoQ10

There are two types of CoQ10 and a lot of myths and misconceptions has been thrown around on the internet. The two types are called Ubiquinone and Ubiquinol and the main difference is that Ubiquinol is the reduced form of Ubiquinone. The body creates one from the other depending on various factors. While it is highly debated which form is better, if any, most research point to ubiquinone as the best choice as thousands of clinical trials have been conducted with this type. (Reference)

Benefits of CoQ10

CoQ10 is a strong antioxidant that serves to protect cells from free radicals. Free radicals are highly reactive molecules that lead to oxidative stress and in the worst case can morph into cancerous cells. (Reference)

Here are some of the benefits to CoQ10

Heart failure – Heart failure occurs when the heart is unable to perform its specified task of contracting and pumping blood through the body. This can be caused by a myriad of underlying conditions such as diabetes, high cholesterol, oxidative stress and more. Several studies of people with heart failure shows that CoQ10 reduced their symptoms as well as risk and severity of hospitalization and overall risk of dying from heart problems. (Reference) (Reference) CoQ10 restores effective energy production in cells, reduces damaging oxidative stress and improves heart function. (Reference)

Fertility – CoQ10 is believed to protect women’s eggs from oxidative damage and by increased ATP production also increase production of eggs. (Reference) In men, CoQ10 seems to work the same way by increasing sperm count and quality. (Reference)(Reference)
Cognition and Migraine – Some studies suggest that taking CoQ10 will reduce the severity and frequency of migraine attacks. ref CoQ10 will also protect the brain from oxidative damage which may affect memory, cognition and physical function. ref Some research even suggest CoQ10 may slow the progression of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. (Reference)(Reference)

Cognition and Migraine – Some studies suggest that taking CoQ10 will reduce the severity and frequency of migraine attacks. (Reference) CoQ10 will also protect the brain from oxidative damage which may affect memory, cognition and physical function. (Reference) Some research even suggest CoQ10 may slow the progression of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. (Reference)(Reference)

Age-related diseases – CoQ10 naturally deplete with age and this depletion allows for several age-related diseases to develop. Research suggest that mitochondrial dysfunction as a result of CoQ10 deficit contributes to neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease. (Reference) Studies involving elderly people supplementing with CoQ10 reported improvements in physical performance, vitality, increase in antioxidant biomarkers and overall quality of life. (Reference)(Reference)

Other benefits to CoQ10

CoQ10 has also shown beneficial effect in cancer, HIV, muscular dystrophy, gum disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes and increase physical performance in general. It does seem that CoQ10 presents an extremely positive effect on the body which few molecules can match. So, what about the negatives?

Drawbacks and Dosage of CoQ10


As the body naturally produces CoQ10, the substance is not foreign or dangerous and even if consumed in unnatural high doses it will produce few adverse effects. These may include nausea, stomach pain and heartburn. CoQ10 may interfere with certain medications such as chemotherapy, so always check with your doctor before starting any supplement regime. (Reference)


Due to CoQ10’s hydrophobicity and large molecular weight, absorption of dietary CoQ10 is slow and limited. (Reference) In other words, CoQ10 on its own has a very low bioavailability, it simply passes the system without being absorbed. One way to increase bioavailability of CoQ10 is to intake it with some healthy fatty acids that encapsulates the molecule from the harsh gut environment. (Reference) The absolute best way to increase CoQ10 absorption and bioavailability is by addition of Piperine (Black Pepper Extract). Research suggests that blood plasma levels of CoQ10 are increased by 30% with the addition of Piperine. (Reference)


CoQ10 dose vary by person, age and underlying conditions but has been safely taken in doses up to 3000mg/day in clinical trials without adverse effects. (Reference) However, most scientist agree that the recommended dose for supplementation in order to receive the beneficial effects of CoQ10 is 200mg/day. (Reference)(Reference)(Reference)


CoQ10 is one of the best studied compounds and has shown tremendous potential as treatment for various conditions and as a supplement to increase bodily performance and wellbeing in healthy individuals. CoQ10 is considered safe, even at high doses and only produces mild adverse effects. The recommended type and dose of CoQ10 is Ubiquinone at 200mg/day. It is crucial that a CoQ10 product is formulated with Piperine for absorption, and it is recommended to take it with some healthy fatty acids.

Our own Source of Nature® CoQ10 is premium, corn-fermented, 98% pure Ubiquinone and is formulated with Piperine (Black Pepper Extract) for added bioavailability so you can get the most value out of your product.

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