Magnesium: Few products contain the most important types - Source of Nature

Magnesium: Few products contain the most important types

Studies have shown that many people may not consume an optimum amount of magnesium. Why is this concerning? Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the body and is essential to good health. It is involved in over 300 cellular processes, including those responsible for protein synthesis and ATP production. Too little magnesium in the diet has been linked to several major health conditions.

Initially, magnesium deficiency can leave you feeling nauseated, tired, and low on energy. As the problem progresses and the deficiency worsens, lack of magnesium may affect muscle function, stress management, heart health, blood pressure and bowel regularity.

While most consumers know that magnesium is beneficial, they don’t realize that there are many different types of magnesium, which play a different role in the human body. And most products on the market does not contain the right types or quantities to get the benefits!

Here is a break down of the most important types of magnesium, and what their respective functions include:

Magnesium L-Threonat:

Magnesium L-threonate is the salt formed from mixing magnesium and threonic acid, a water-soluble substance derived from the metabolic breakdown of vitamin C. This form is easily absorbed. Animal research notes that it may be the most effective type for increasing magnesium concentrations in brain cells (reference). Magnesium L-threonate is often used for its potential brain benefits and may help manage certain brain disorders, such as depression and age-related memory loss.

Magnesium Bisglycinat:

Magnesium Biglycinate is formed from elemental magnesium and the amino acid glycine. Your body employs this amino acid in protein construction. It also occurs in many protein-rich foods, such as fish, meat, dairy, and legumes. Glycine is often used as a standalone dietary supplement to improve sleep and treat a variety of inflammatory conditions, including heart disease and diabetes (reference). Magnesium glycinate is easily absorbed and may have calming properties. It may help reduce anxiety, depression, stress, and insomnia.

Magnesium Malat:

Magnesium malate includes malic acid, which occurs naturally in foods like fruit and wine. This acid has a sour taste and is often used as a food additive to enhance flavor or add acidity. Research suggests that magnesium malate is very well absorbed in your digestive tract, making it a great option for replenishing your magnesium levels (reference). Some people report that it’s gentler on your system and may have less of a laxative effect than other types. This may be beneficial, depending on your specific needs. Magnesium malate is occasionally recommended as a treatment for symptoms associated with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome (reference).

Magnesium Taurat:

Magnesium taurate contains the amino acid taurine. Research suggests that adequate intakes of taurine and magnesium play a role in regulating blood sugar. Thus, this particular form may promote healthy blood sugar levels (reference and reference). Magnesium and taurine also support healthy blood pressure (reference, reference).

Magnesium Oxid:

Magnesium oxide is a salt that combines magnesium and oxygen. It naturally forms a white, powdery substance. This type isn’t typically used to prevent or treat magnesium deficiencies, as some studies report that it’s poorly absorbed by your digestive tract (reference). Instead, it’s more frequently used for short-term relief of uncomfortable digestive symptoms, such as heartburn, indigestion, and constipation. It may also be used to treat and prevent migraines (reference).

Magnesium Citrate:

Magnesium citrate is a form of magnesium that’s bound with citric acid. This acid is found naturally in citrus fruits and gives them their tart, sour flavor. Magnesium citrate is one of the most common magnesium formulations and can be easily purchased online or in stores worldwide. Some research suggests that this type is among the most bioavailable forms of magnesium, meaning that it’s more easily absorbed in your digestive tract than other forms (reference).

Magnesium Citrate has been linked with calming effects and being associated with relieve of depression and anxiety (reference)

Check out Source of Nature 6-1 Magnesium, which contains all the above mentioned types of magnesium:

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